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Avrupa Konseyi Bakanlar Komitesinin İnsan Hakları ve Terörle Mücadele Hakkındaki ...



There is no doubt that terrorism, which aims to inti-

midate and terrorize people and thereby make them to accept its

demands by using coercion and violence, is the most important con-

temporary national and international problem. The USA and Euro-

pean countries began to pay close attention to terrorism after 9/11

Terrorist Attacks and international actors, particularly the United

Nations have intensified efforts to set international standards for

combating terrorism.

Another aspect to which states also have to pay attention in

their acts on fighting against terrorism is respect for human rights of

individuals which are inherent in merely being human.

For this reason, states, which have a basic function of protec-

ting their people against acts of terrorism, face dilemma between

taking rigorous counter-terrorism measures and upholding human


In year 2002, Council of Europe, of which Turkey is a founding

member, issued seventeen principles to guide member states in

the area of human rights and fight against terrorism. As a result of

the analysis of seven of these principles (namely, Lawfulness of an-

ti-terrorist measures, Conditions for Suspension of Human Rights,

Absolute prohibition of torture, Collection and processing of per-

sonal data by any competent authority in the field of State security,

Conditions for arrest, custody and detention of terrorism suspects),

which were determined in consideration of the judgments of the

European Court of Human Rights and also accepted by Turkey, it is

concluded that Turkish Law on Fight Against Terrorism is satisfac-

tory, despite some shortcomings in practice.


Terrorism, Human Rights, Arrest, Restriction, Pro-

portion, Constitution, Law on Fight Against Terrorism, European

Court of Human Rights


Günümüzde uluslararası toplumun en büyük meselesinin güven-

lik olduğuna, bu endişesinin kaynağının ise terörizm olduğuna şüp-

he yoktur. 21’inci yüzyıla kadar genelde Ortadoğu, Orta Amerika ve

Güneydoğu Asya’nın sorunu olarak görülen terörizm, 2001 yılında

New York’taki Dünya Ticaret Merkezine yapılan saldırılardan sonra

süper güç ABD ve dünya kamuoyunda etkili devletlerin çabalarıyla

Birleşmiş Milletler (BM), NATO ve Avrupa Birliği (AB) gibi uluslarara-

sı kuruluşların gündeminde önemli yer almış olup, küresel bir güven-

lik sorunu olarak gündemdeki yerini korumaktadır. Nitekim 11 Eylül

2001 saldırılarından sonra BMGüvenlik Konseyi’nin hemen ertesi gün

ABD’nin Afganistan’a müdahalesine dayanak oluşturan 1368 sayılı; 28

Eylül 2001 tarihinde ise 1373 sayılı kararları alması, bu konudaki ulus-