Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi 138.Sayı

346 Genel Mahkeme’nin ve Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı’nın Intel Kararı Kapsamındaki ... Abstract: The article primarily summarizes the assessments within the decisions of the European Commission, European Ge- neral Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union regar- ding the Intel Corporation case. Accordingly the article argues the possible changes that these assessments may lead to within the Turkish and the EU legislation while emphasizing on CJEU’s varying evaluations. In this regard, with a view to ensure legal certainty with regard to investigations involving an abuse of dominance in parti- cular, the necessity of analysing the capacity to establish a market foreclosure over competitors while considering all the circumstan- ces of the case and by giving due regard to the element of effect, is among the main aspects to be argued within the scope of this article. Accordingly, Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union constitutes the essence and the focal point of this article. While also considering the opinion of Advocate General Nils Wahl, it is also argued within the article the extend to which the different dynamics set forth in the Intel decision on rebate schemes and an economic based effects analyses are applied, and applicable, to the Turkish competition law legislation and precedents. It is es- pecially remarked at this stage that the relevant investigation is the first investigation where the As Efficient Competitor Test has been applied. In the conclusion section of the article, it is explained with its reasoning that the Intel decision necessitates and supports the application of the effects analysis which is already acknowledged under Turkish competition law practice. Keywords: Intel, Loyalty Rebates, As Efficient Competitor Test, Economic Analysis, Foreclosure Effect 1. GİRİŞ Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı (“ ABAD ”), indirim sistemle- ri ile ilgili son yılların en çok tartışılan dosyalarından biri olan Intel Corporation’ın (“ Intel ”) temyiz başvurusuna ilişkin büyük bir ilgi ile beklenilen kararını 6 Eylül 2017 tarihinde vermiştir. Bu karar, özellikle sadakat indirimlerine ilişkin olarak etki temelli ekonomik bir analiz yapılması gerektiği görüşünü perçinleyen bir emsal niteliğindedir. ABAD, bu kararı ile Intel’in uyguladığı indirim sistemleri ve doğru- dan ödemeler ile hâkim durumunu kötüye kullandığına ilişkin Av- rupa Komisyonu’nun (“ Komisyon ”) Intel kararını onayan 12 Haziran 2014 tarihli Avrupa Genel Mahkemesi (“ Genel Mahkeme ”) kararını boz- muştur. 13 Mayıs 2009 tarihinde, Komisyon, pazardaki hâkim durumunu kötüye kullandığı iddiası ile Intel’e 1,06 milyar Avro para cezası kes-