Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi 157.Sayı

446 6RnUadan YH <HWkLOL 0akaP .aUaUÕ LOH 7Uk 9aWandaşÕ 2OPanÕn BaşYXUX ùaUWOaUÕ 79. P Abstract: The fact that people acquire citizenship after birth has an importance from the perspective of who will join them under what conditions both for foreigners, who will hold the new status, predominantly immigrants and former citizens who have been naturalized in this way. Opening of this legal path and to determine its essence is also considered important by states enough to direct them to a perfectionist selectivity; it raises the question of whether the list of requirements, which has been meticulously prepared by the authorities, is fair or not. It should be legally framed that what kind of principles will guide the decision of naturalizing or what kind of allegiance will be expected from those who seek citizenship to their new society. In accordance with the Turkish Nationality Act, Number 5901, article 11, foreigners who wish to apply to become a Turkish citizen by the decision of the compotent authority shall be in the age of majority and have the capacity to act either according to his/her own national law or, if he/she is stateless according to Turkish law; have been resident in Turkey without interruption for five years preceding the date of his/her application; have affirmed by his/her behaviour that he/she has decided to settle in Turkey; have no disease constituting an obstacle in respect of public health; be of good moral character; be able to speak a sufficient level of Turkish; have income or profession to provide for maintenance for himself/herself and his/her dependants in Turkey; have no quality constituting an obstacle in respect of national security and public order. However, compliance with the conditions listed in the Law only creates the right to apply; citizenship status is imposed at the discretion of the competent authority. Keywords: Citizenship, Turkish Nationality, Foreigner, Residence, Discretion I. GİRİŞ Vatandaşlık, toprağı paylaşmaya dayalı içkin bir nosyondan öte; hukuki, siyasi ve sosyal ilişkinlikleri taşıyan, değişe[tirile]bilir nitelikli bir statü olup; şartları ve hükümleri, egemenlik hakkı kullanılarak idari otorite tarafından tek taraflı belirlenen bu statünün edinilme yolları, ülkeden ülkeye farklılaşabilmektedir. Kişi ile devlet arasındaki vatandaşlık bağı, doğum anında ve doğum dolayısıyla aslen kurulabileceği gibi; doğumdan başka bir sebeple sonradan da kurulabilmektedir. Kaideten, doğumla vatandaş olanlar ile sonradan vatandaş olanlar arasında vatandaşlık statüsünün içerdiği haklardan faydalanmak ve yükümlülükleri yerine getirmek konusunda bir fark bulunmamakla birlikte; bu vasfın kişiye yüklenmesinde aranılan şartlar yönünden bakıldığında, terazinin aynı ağırlıktaki kefelerle tartılmadığı görülmektedir.