Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi 164. Sayı

264 Sağlık Mensuplarının Mali Sorumluluk Sigortalarına Yönelik İsimden Kapsama Bir Eleştiri Abstract: The underpin of liability insurance is the aim of covering the financial consequences of the liabilities incumbent on the insured as a result of loss or damage caused to third parties. This purpose, besides being realized with a voluntary demand against the risk, is also realized as a compulsion in some activities/jobs/occupations that require special responsibility, and these special liability insurance fields are also progressing day by day. Insomuch that, via the Insurance Law, the compulsory insurance institution about liabilities has been transformed also to goods, provided that there is a public interest. One of these fields is medical practices, and the occupational group that must be insured is physicians. The aforementioned compulsory insurance is named as Tıbbi Kötü Uygulamaya İlişkin Zorunlu Mali Sorumluluk Sigortası in Turkish. Whereas the name of the insurance may be translated to English as Compulsory Liability Insurance for Medical Malpractice, the perceived reality is much more than this basic translation. The conceptual meaning of the word kötü in Turkish somehow approaches to English verbs misdemean or misusage expressing an intentional or voluntary control on the unlawful issue. Our justification on this issue sits on that, bad refers to moral standards rather than a legal norm or a legal term. In the article we will first criticize the name of the liability insurance and then we will discuss the compulsion issue, which according to us must cover not only the physicians but also the other healthcare professionals and health sector workers. In our opinion, for the healthcare professionals who provide health services without the guidance of the physicians, the compulsory financial insurance institution is one of the issues that require immediate regulation. Here, the situation of security officers working in private health service providers should also be evaluated. Security officers for whom financial liability insurance is compulsory for the private health sector but not for the public health sector is also an important point that requests discussion. Keywords: Financial Liability Insurance, Healthcare Professionals, Malpractice, Compulsory Insurance, Health Sector Workers GİRİŞ Hata insana mahsustur, ancak kimi meslek erbabından hizmet alanların hata ile karşılaşma oranları yüksek olduğundandır ki belirli mesleklerde mesleki mali sorumluluk sigortası kurumu doğmuş ve bazılarında anılan sigortayı yaptırmak zorunlu hâle getirilmiştir. Tıbbi mesleki hataya yönelik zorunlu sigorta hususu, Türkiye Mevzuatı’na, 2010 yılında çıkarılan Üniversite ve Sağlık Personelinin Tam Gün Çalışmasına ve Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun’la girmiştir.1 Anılan kanunun 8. maddesi ile kamu ve 1 RG. 30.01.2010, S. 27478.