Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi 164. Sayı

53 TBB Dergisi 2023 (164) Tijen DÜNDAR SEZER Freeman Michael, “Introduction, Children’s Rights Past, Present and Future: Some Introductory Remarks” in: Michael Freeman (Ed.), The Future of Children’s Rights, Brill-2014, pp. 3-12, (Introduction). Freeman Michael, “The Future of Children’s Rights”, Children and Society, V. 14, Y. 2000, pp. 227-293, (Children’s Rights). Johansson Lina, “The Third Optional Protocol to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child: Success or a Failure fort he Enforcement of Children’s Rights?”, Queen Mary Human Rights Law Review, Y.2015, 2(1), pp. 54-83 Kalın Walter, “Examination of State Reports” in: HellenKeller-Geir Ulfstein (ed.), UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies, Law and Legitimacy, pp. 16-73. Kellen Hellen-Grover Leena, “General Comments of the Human Rights Committee and Their Legitimacy”, in: HellenKeller-Geir Ulfstein (ed.), UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies, Law and Legitimacy, pp. 116-199. Kilkelly Ursula, “The CRC in Litigation Under the ECHR, The CRC and the ECHR: The Contribution of the European Court of Human Rights to the Implementation of Article 12 of the CRC” in: Liefaard T.-Doek J. (Ed.) Litigating the Rights of the Child, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Domestic and International Jurisprudence, Springer- 2015, pp. 193-208. Langford Macholm-Clark Sevda, “The New Kid on the Block, A Complaints Procedure fort he Convention on the Rights of the Child”, Nordic Journal of Human Rights, Y.2010, V.28, N. 3-4, pp. 471-400, (The New Kid). Liefaard Ton-Jaap E. Doek, “Litigating the Rights of the Child: Taking Stock After 25 Years of the CRC” in: Ton Liefaard -Jaap E. Doek (Ed.), Litigating the Rights of the Child, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Domestic and International Jurisprudence, Springer- 2015, pp.1-13. Peleg Noam., “International Children’s Law: General Principles”, in Ursula KilkellyTon Liefaard (ed), International Human Rights of Children, Netherlands- 2019, pp.135-153. Petzold Herbert, “The Convention and the Principle of Subsidiarity” in Macdonald J./Matscher F./Petzold H., The European System fort he Protection of Human Rights, London-1993, pp.41-62. Skelton Ann, “International Children’s Human Rights Law: Complaints and Remedies” in: Ursula Kilkelly-Ton Liefaard (ed.) International Human Rights of Children, Netherlands- 2019, pp.66-90. Smith Rhona, “The Third Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child? -Clallenges Arising Transforming The Rhetoric into Reality”, in: Freeman M. (Ed.), The Future of Children’s Rights, Brill-2014, pp. 178-195. Sloth-Nielsen Julia, “Monitoring and Implementation of Children’s Rights” in: Ursula Kilkelly-Ton Liefaard (ed.), International Human Rights of Children, Netherlands- 2019, pp. 31-64. Şirin Memduh Cemil, “Çocuğun Yararı Gözüyle Çocuğun Yüksek Yararı İlkesine Bakış”, Çocuk ve Medeniyet, Y. 2019, S.2, ss. 219-240. Ulfstein Geir, Individual Complaints, in: HellenKeller-Geir Ulfstein (ed.), UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies, Law and Legitimacy, pp. 73-116.