140 Physician's Compulsory Liability Insurance According to Judicial and Arbitral Decisions For example: If the compulsory physician liability insurance was taken out by the insurer A in 2013, 2014 and 2015, and by the insurer B starting from 2016, an event that took place in 2014 and which was within the knowledge of the insured as of the moment of occurrence, will be 10 times a year in 2014 pursuant to TTK art. 1475/1 should be notified to the insurer A within the same day, and to B in accordance with TCC 1435 when making a contract with insurer B in 2016.63 In addition, if it is desired to file a lawsuit not only with the doctor but against the doctor or only against the hospital, it will be decided whether the court to be prosecuted will be an administrative court or a civil court, depending on whether the doctor works in a public institution or a private institution. 3. Appeal Authority Y 17. HD, 24.01.2014 T., 2014/13726 E. and 2014/11093 K. numbered decision is related to the claim for compensation for the damage suffered due to the application. Y 17. HD, 24.01.2014 T., 2014/13726 E. and 2014/11093 K. numbered decision is related to the claim for compensation for the damage suffered due to the application. According to this decision, the duty of reviewing the appeal belongs to the 11th Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals, pursuant to the 14th article of the Supreme Court of Appeals Law No.64 As can be seen from the decision, the aforementioned decision is an explanatory decision on which appellate authority to examine the decisions of the local court, and which legal department of the Court of Cassation is authorized. 4. Obligation to Light In the case subject to decision Y 13. HD, 9.4.2014 T., 2013/30822 E. and 2014/10772 K., the Plaintiff stated that he was treated for a bone curvature in his nose at the Private B... Hospital belonging to the defendant company, he was operated during the treatment, and that he 63 Ünan, Mandatory Physician Insurance, p. 14-15. 64 https://karararama.yargitay.gov.tr/YargitayBilgiBankasiIstemciWeb/, (Date of Access: 28.08.2019)