161 Union of Turkish Bar Associations Review 2022 Hacı KARA outside the scope of responsibility of the organizations covered by the policy, excluding the fulfillment of humanitarian duty. Indemnity claims arising from all kinds of experiments are excluded from the scope of insurance, except for those performed as a requirement of medical professional activity within the framework determined by the relevant legislation and all kinds of penal and penal conditions, including administrative and judicial fines. While determining the scope in terms of time, the claimed principle has been adopted in physician professional liability insurance and it has been assumed that the insurance will be renewed regularly every year. In demand-based insurance, only medical malpractices that occur during the contract period are covered by the contract. Therefore, if the liability insurance is interrupted and a malpractice event occurs during the interruption period for which the insurer is liable, the resulting loss will not be covered by the insurer. References Books Ayhan Rıza/Çağlar Hayrettin/Özdamar Mehmet, Insurance Law Textbook, 3th Edition, Ankara 2020. Çeker Mustafa, Insurance Law, 10th Edition, Karahan Publishing House, Adana 2014. Kender Rayegan, Private Insurance Law in Turkey, Arıkan Publishing, 14th Edition, 2014. Şenocak, Kemal, Professional Liability Insurance, Turhan Bookstore, st Edition, Ankara 2000. Ünan Samim, “Compulsory Physician Liability Insurance General Conditions Commentary”, Turkish Association of Insurance Law, 1st Edition, Istanbul 2012 (Compulsory Physician Insurance). Ünan Samim, Annotation on the Turkish Commercial Code, Book 6, Insurance Law, V. II, 1st Edition, Onikilevha Publishing, Istanbul 2016 (TCC Annotation). Ünan, Samim, Insurance Consumer Law, 1st Edition, On iki Levha Publishing, İstanbul 2016 (Consumer Law). Articles Cantürk Gürol, “Tıbbi Malpraktis ve Tıbbi Bilirkişilik”, Uluslararası Sağlık Hukuku Sempozyumu, 16-17 Ekim 2014, s. 303, http://tbbyayinlari.barobirlik.org.tr/ TBB Books/536.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 20.09.2017). Çapa M. Sadık, “Retroactive Insurance”, Journal of Gazi University Faculty of Law, Vol. XVIII, Y. 2014, I. 3-4, s. 341-362, http: webftp.gazi.edu.tr. hukuk. dergi.18_3-4_14. pdf, (Erişim Tatili: 16.08.2019).