TBB Dergisi 2022 İngilizce Özel Sayı

41 Union of Turkish Bar Associations Review 2022 Süleyman ÖZAR who is even on a death fast, is not to die but to ensure that his desire be properly taken into consideration by the administration and the public, the question as to the lawfulness of the impugned intervention will continuously remain on the agenda. This kind of consideration will also direct the administration to dwell upon the means that will restrict the act of hunger strike but solutions that will ensure the prevention of the taking place, from the very beginning, of such act or the voluntary termination thereof. 11. In case of any contradiction between an ethical principle and a statutory provision, it is not reasonable to argue that the physician must disregard the law. Besides, such a case is extremely prejudicial in terms of the principles of foreseeability and legal certainty. In case of such contradiction, the step required to be taken should be to implement the applicable statutory provision as well as to raise awareness, with respect to the issue in question, among the public and politicians for ensuring an amendment to the provision in question. References Books Centel Nur & Zafer Hamide & Çakmut Özlem, Kişilere Karşı İşlenen Suçlar (Offences Committed against Persons), İstanbul 2007. Centel Nur & Zafer Hamide & Çakmut Özlem Yenerer, Türk Ceza Hukukuna Giriş (Introduction to the Turkish Criminal Law), İstanbul 2020. Çakmut Özlem, Tıbbi Müdahaleye Rızanın Ceza Hukuku Açısından İncelenmesi (Assessment of Consent to Medical Intervention in terms of Criminal Law), İstanbul 2003. Dönmezer Sulhi & Erman Sahir, Nazari ve Tatbiki Ceza Hukuku (Theoretical and Practical Criminal Law), Vol.2, İstanbul 1994. Ekici Şahin Meral, Ceza Hukukunda Rıza (Consent in Criminal Law), Ankara Üni. Doktora Tezi, Ankara 2010, p. 258). Erman Barış R., Tıbbi Müdahalelerin Hukuka Uygunluğu (Lawfulness of Medical Interventions), Ankara 2003 Geamanu Radu & Florin, Hunger Strikes and Force-Feedıng in Prisons, Challenges of the Knowledge Society, Bucharest 2016. Hakeri Hakan, Tıp Hukuku (Medical Jurisprudence), Ankara 2012. İçel Kayıhan, Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler (General Provisions of the Criminal Law), İstanbul 2018.