EVALUATION OF ACTUAL AGGREGATION AND CONCEPTUAL AGGREGATION RULES IN TERMS OF THE CRIME OF DISTURBING THE INDIVIDUALS’ PEACE AND HARMONY KİŞİLERİN HUZUR VE SÜKUNUNU BOZMA SUÇU BAKIMINDAN GERÇEK İÇTİMA VE FİKRİ İÇTİMA KURALLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ Bahar TOPSAKAL* Abstract: The crime of disturbing individuals’ peace and harmony enacted in Article 123 of the Turkish Criminal Code (Turkish Law No 5237) is mostly accepted as a “general and complementary” type of crime in doctrine and judicial decisions. According to these, if the actions that constitute the crime in question also constitute another crime, they will be evaluated within the scope of the relevant crime first and the perpetrator will not be convicted of the crime of deterioration of peace and order. This pre-acceptance in practice is far from always producing fair and just results; giving the verdict of one crime without a meticulous evaluation in terms of the uniqueness of the act is incompatible with the aim of the lawmaker while preparing the law of the arrangement of conceptual aggregation. In this study, a general framework regarding the crime of disturbing the individuals’ peace and harmony was firstly included, and then the rules of actual aggregation and conceptual aggregation were elaborated. Subsequently, practices of actual aggregation and conceptual aggregation in terms of this crime were shown and criticisms and proposals towards these practices were given in the light of the Court of Cassation’s decisions. Keywords: Peace and Harmony, Actual Aggregation, Conceptual Aggregation Özet: 5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun 123. maddesinde hüküm altına alınan kişilerin huzur ve sükununu bozma suçu, doktrinde ve yargı kararlarında ekseriyetle “genel ve tamamlayıcı” bir suç tipi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Buna göre söz konusu suçu oluşturan eylemler, aynı zamanda başkaca bir suçu da oluşturuyorsa öncelikle ilgili suç kapsamında değerlendirme yapılacak ve fail hakkında ayrıca kişilerin huzur ve sükununu bozma suçundan hüküm tesis edilmeyecektir. Tatbikatta işbu ön kabul, daima hakkaniyetli ve adaletli sonuçlar doğurmaktan uzak olup; fiilin tekliği bakımından titiz bir * Lawyer, Beykent University Social Sciences Institute Public Law Master’s Student, [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-8586-8997