THE LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY OF NURSES IN THE LIGHT OF THE TURKISH COURT OF CASSATION JURISPRUDENCE YARGITAY KARARLARI IŞIĞINDA HEMŞİRENIN HUKUKÎ SORUMLULUĞU Özlem TÜZÜNER* Erkam Talat DUYMUŞ** Harun ALGÜL*** Abstract: Nurses work in various fields related to human health. While performing their duties, their acts must be in accordance with the requirements of medical science. The actions taken by nurses to contribute to a patient’s health may not always have positive outcomes. The nurse’s lack of legal responsibility for complications is the rule. A nurse is responsible for medical malpractice, not for complications. The nurse’s legal responsibility for medical malpractice is simply based on professional misdeeds. In this study, the legal responsibility of nurses is examined and relevant cases that have been the subject of the decisions of the Turkish Court of Cassation are analysed. Considering the decisions of the Turkish Court of Cassation in relation to nurses, injuries that occur upon a nurse’s injection are frequently encountered. The problem of injection in the legal responsibility of nurses has reached disturbing dimensions as a societal phenomenon. A multidisciplinary approach to injection is highly recommended. Injection problems must be minimized, particularly with the cooperation of medical and legal science. Keywords: Nurse’s Lack of Legal Responsibility for Complications, Nurse’s Legal Responsibility for Medical Malpractice, Problem of Injection in the Legal Responsibility of Nurses, Multidisciplinary Approach to Injection * Author, Translator and Proofreader - Associate Professor (PhD), Anadolu University, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Department, [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0002-5575-3400 * Author - Attorney at law, registered at Uşak Bar Association, t.duymus@gmail. com; ORCID: 0000-0003-3741-0719 * Translator and Proofreader, Manas Translation Agency, tercume@manastercume. com, ORCID: 0000-0002-4271-631