74 The Legal Responsibility of Nurses in the Light of the Turkish Court of Cassation Jurisprudence Legal definitions of the nursing profession should be fed with descriptions in the health sciences; such that the nurse tries to help the patient to survive without help and regain his independence in his personal competence. With this wish, nurses make scientific and artistic interventions leading to health, recovery or peaceful death. At this point, the current definition of Virginia Henderson is adopted in Turkey as well as accepted by the International Nurses Association.4 In the history of medicine, major disasters, especially epidemics and wars, emphasized the importance and indispensability of nursing. The Roman head nurse, Saint Fabiola, was kind enough to dedicate her enormous wealth to the poor patients. She not only treated people who were excluded from society due to their disgusting diseases like leprosy, but also provided “hospice (hospiz)” service to patients on their deathbed and helped them migrate to the next world with honour.5 Florence Nightingale not only established modern nursing by undertaking the treatment and care of soldiers injured in the war but also played an invaluable role in the medical literature as a social reformer and statistician.6 Today, in the epidemic management, nurses have shown examples of heroism in the fight against the crisis. So much so that they worked like secret angels in the operation of epidemic hospitals.7 Well then, what are the professional mistakes that such valuable professionals should avoid? 4 Rukiye Pınar Bölüktaş/Zülfünaz Özer/Dilek Yıldırım, “Uluslararası Hemşirelik And’ının Meslekî Değerler Açısından İncelenmesi”, Çekmece İZÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2018, 6/13, p. 86. See also Kürşat, p. 293, 302, fn. 7. Karabakır, p. 4, 5. Kalabalık, p. 334-337. Hakeri, Vol. 1, p. 205, 209. 5 Vikipedi-1, “Saint Fabiola”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Fabiola (Date of Access 26.6.2021). See also Nuray Demirci Güngördü, “Hospiz Anlayışında Hasta Bakımı ve Hemşirenin Rolü: Bir İnceleme Çalışması”, Tıp-Etik-Hukuk Boyutuyla Hospiz, Ed. Çağatay Üstün, Ege Tıp, İzmir, 2016, p. 13. 6 Vikipedi-2, “Florence Nightingale”, https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florence_ Nightingale (Date of Access 17.6.2021). Aysun Yerköy Ateş/Figen Okur, “Covid-19 Pandemisinde Gizli Kahramanlar: Hemşire Liderler”, Uluslararası Sağlık Yönetimi ve Stratejileri Araştırma Dergisi, 2020, 6/3, p. 626. Bayraktaroğlu Taner/Fidan Emine, “Kriz ve Pandemide Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Önerileri”, Batı Karadeniz Tıp Dergisi, 2020, 4/2, p. 45. Karabakır, p. 3, 4. 7 Mersin İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü, “Pandemi Kahramanı Hemşireler”, https://mersinism.saglik.gov.tr/TR,183252/pandemi-kahramani-hemsireler.html (Date of Access 17.6.2021). Anadolu Ajansı, “Kovid Hemşireleri Salgınla Mücadelede En Ön Cephede Savaşıyor”, https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/koronavirus/kovidhemsireleri-salginla-mucadelede-en-on-cephede-savasiyor/1836356 (Date of Access 17.6.2021). Bayraktaroğlu/Fidan, p. 46, 47. Ateş Yerköy/Okur, p. 628, 632.