80 The Legal Responsibility of Nurses in the Light of the Turkish Court of Cassation Jurisprudence B- DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE COMPLICATION AND MALPRACTIS The golden rule of medical science is the principle of “first, do not harm (primum non nocere)”. According to this, any medical intervention is firstly based on not doing damage.20 In that case, medical intervention aimed at healing should not at least worsen the patient. As a result, it is possible for the patient to recover or the problem to continue or worsen.21 Here, if the patient has been harmed by the fault of the physician and/or nurse, and if his condition has deteriorated, the questioning of responsibility begins. If the damage resulting from deterioration is subject to a claim, compensation is essential. On the other hand, the rule in complication is the perfection (clean hands) and irresponsibility of the physician and/or nurse. The distinction between malpractice and complications is like a magic wand that resolves most of the controversies in medical law. Physician and/or nurse, all persons capable of medical intervention can absolutely be held liable for malpractice. Complications do not cause liability. Due to the definition of permissible risk, complication is an acceptable hazard. That means, what counts as malpractice or complication in the attribution of legal responsibility is critical.22 C- OTHER APPEARANCES OF MALPRACTICE IN NURSING Problems arising from healthcare professionals, especially the legal responsibility of physicians and nurses for medical errors, cannot be isolated from the political and economic conditions of the relevant p. 111. Tıbbî Hata, “Tıbbi Hata-Malpraktis Nedir?”, http://www.tibbi-hata.com/ Türkçe/Blog/Blog_Detay/Tıbbi_Hata-Malpraktis_Nedir%3F/1434543120.html (Date of Access 17.6.2021). 20 Çağatay Üstün, “Tıp’ta Etiğin Yerini Belirlemek”, Ankara Barosu Sağlık Hukuku Digestası, 2009, 1, p. 116. Cengiz/Küçükay, p. 108, 109, 111. Yördem, p. 539. See also Vikipedi-3, “Primum Non Nocere”, https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primum_non_nocere (Date of Access 17.6.2021). 21 Hüseyin Cem Barlıoğlu, Defansif Tıp Unsuru Olarak Tıbbî Malpraktis, Seçkin, Ankara, 2020, p. 26. Değdaş, p. 42, 56, 57, 60. Özgönül/Arda/Dedeoğlu, p. 49. 22 Ünal Kuzgun, “Komplikasyon mu? Malpraktis mi?”, Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği Dergisi, 2019, 18, p. 98. Hakeri, Vol. 2, p. 1023. İstanbul Tabip Odası, ibidem, fn. 17. Ersoy V., Tıbbî Malpraktis, p. 31. Özgönül/Arda/Dedeoğlu, p. 49. Değdaş, p. 41, 42, 49-51. Oktay Ahşen, ibidem, fn. 18. Şaşı, p. 71, 72. Altun/Yorulmaz, p. 8. Işık, p. 67-69. Güneş Kılıç, p. 32 ed seq.