81 Union of Turkish Bar Associations Review 2022 TÜZÜNER / DUYMUŞ / ALGÜL society, nor can they be isolated from the quality of education and training. In the training of health personnel, choices should be based on objective scientific reasons rather than political motives.23 A nurse plays an important role in every moment of the treatment, from the simple injection in the emergency room to the severe surgical intervention. Nurses should act in accordance with medical standards in all their practices. His/her lack of knowledge and skills, imprudence, violation of standard patient care practices, carelessness and negligence, incorrect drug administration, inadequate follow-up, failure to prioritize patient safety, and non-compliance with existing protocols are among the frequently encountered reasons for malpractice.24 According to one project study, one in five nurses per shift falls into a medical error.25 Most of the nurses’ responsibility can be attributed to the violation of the duty of care as well as the lack of communication with the physician.26 In particular, non-compliance with the minimum cleaning conditions during the intervention, that is, the sterilization problem, is itself a cause of medical error. Besides that, improper movement of the patient, behaviour that distracts the physician during the intervention, forgetting the gauze and/or tampon in the patient’s stomach during the operations, not following the rules during the shift deliveries, being careless while conveying information to the patient may lead to the responsibility of the nurse.27 Like that, the issues of administering the medicine prepared by someone else, voidable peripheral venous line changing and dropping the patient should 23 Ersoy Y., Tıbbî Hatanın Hukukî ve Cezaî Sonuçları, p. 162, 163. 24 İ. Hamit Hancı/Yurdagül Erdem/Sevinç Polat, Adlî Hemşirelik, Seçkin, Ankara, 2020, p. 236. 25 Kahriman/Öztürk/Babacan, p. 5, 55. 26 Kürşat, p. 294. Hakeri, Vol. 2, p. 1110. Hakan Hakeri, “Hemşirelerin Yasal Sorumlulukları-II”, https://www.medimagazin.com.tr/authors/hakan-hakeri/ tr-hemsirelerin-yasal-sorumluluklari-II-72-64-1271.html (Date of Access 9.5.2021). Yahya Deryal, “Hemşirelerin Hukukî Sorumluluğu”, 3. Sağlık Hukuku Kurultayı, Ankara Barosu, Ankara, 2011, p. 428. İlknur Kahriman/Havva Öztürk/Elif Babacan, “Hemşirelerin Tanı, Tedavi ve Bakım Uygulamaları Sırasında Tıbbî Hata Oranlarının Değerlendirilmesi”, Vehbi Koç Vakfı Hemşirelik Fonu, Proje 2014/2, Trabzon, 2015, https://sanerc.ku.edu.tr/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ Hemşirelerin-TanıTedavi-ve-Bakım-Uygulamaları-Sırasında-Tıbbi-HataOranlarının-Değerlendirilmesi.pdf (Date of Access 2.7.2021). 27 Kürşat, p. 294. Hakeri, Vol. 2, p. 1110. Hakeri, “Hemşirelerin Yasal SorumluluklarıII”, ibidem, fn. 26. Deryal, p. 428.