82 The Legal Responsibility of Nurses in the Light of the Turkish Court of Cassation Jurisprudence also be considered.28 Moreover, vaccinating a child for tuberculosis instead of measles, not writing one of the drugs on the discharged patient’s medication use card, inadvertently administering an anesthetic drug to the patient coming out of the operation, giving HIV-containing blood to an eighteen-month-old baby who was treated for burns are the cases that refer to malpractice in nursing.29 On the other hand, mild pain and redness at the catheter or entry site may be considered a complication after the medically appropriate catheter is inserted in the right place and sterile.30 In summary, the nurse’s legal responsibility for medical error is simply based on professional error. A nurse may be held liable for medical malpractice. However, a nurse’s irresponsibility for complications is the rule.31 In the research conducted on nurses who are responsible for medical errors; it is remarkable that the workload is high, the number of nurses working is low, the nurses are loaded with non-duty jobs, and they are worked under stress and fatigue.32 Inadequate job descriptions of nurses, low wages, limitation of promotion opportunities, lack of communication with the manager and with each can create the ambiance of medical errors peculiar to them.33 The probabilities and causes of medical errors of nurses were examined, especially from the perspective of drug administration. In this review, necessary precautions to be taken are listed to prevent injection application errors and to ensure safe injection. Fatigue, excessive 28 Kahriman/Öztürk/Babacan, p. 56. 29 Derya Şahin et al., “Hemşirelikte Malpraktis: Olgu Sunumları”, Adlî Tıp Bülteni, 2014, 19/2, p. 101. 30 Arzu Karayavuz, “Kateter Hemşireliği”, Türk Hematoloji Derneği-Hematoloji Pratiğinde Uygulamalı Kateterizasyon Kursu, p. 60, http://www.thd.org.tr/ thdData/userfiles/file/KATATER__KURS_14.pdf (Date of Access 17.6.2021). 31 For the distinction between malpractice and complication, see Kuzgun, p. 98. Ersoy V., Tıbbî Malpraktis, p. 31. Özgönül/Arda/Dedeoğlu, p. 49. Değdaş, p. 41, 42, 49-51. İstanbul Tabip Odası, ibidem, fn. 17. Oktay Ahşen, ibidem, fn. 18. 32 Musa Özata/Handan Altunkan, “Hastanelerde Tıbbî Hata Görülme Sıklıkları, Tıbbî Hata Türleri ve Tıbbî Hata Nedenlerinin Belirlenmesi: Konya Örneği”, Tıp Araştırma Dergisi, 2010, 8/2, p. 106. Cumhuriyet, “Yargıtay’dan Sağlık Çalışanlarına Emsal Niteliğinde Fazla Mesai Kararı”, https://www.cumhuriyet. com.tr/haber/yargitaydan-saglik-calisanlarina-emsal-niteliginde-fazla-mesaikarari-1796111 (Date of Access 21.6.2021). 33 Sema Kuğuluoğlu et al., “İlaç Uygulamalarında Hemşirenin Meslekî ve Yasal Sorumluluğu”, Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanat Dergisi, 2009, 2/2, p. 88.