132 Cases of Joint Liability Arising from Occupational Accidents the obligation to perform work, continue without interruption. Again, the wage payment obligation, which constitutes the remuneration for the performance of work, remains as an obligation of the principal employer.55 Although the temporary employer is not the employer of the worker in this relationship, since the worker works within its own work organization, certain rights and obligations arise for the temporary employer.56 These include the right of the temporary employer to give orders and instructions (Art. 7/9-a), the obligation to act equally (Art. 7/10), the obligation to provide occupational health and safety training and to take necessary occupational health and safety measures.57 2. Joint Liability in Temporary Labour Relations The Labour Law sets forth a clear joint liability provision for the transferor and transferee employers in “non-occupational” temporary employment relationships established for the fulfilment of the performance of work within the holding or in another workplace of the same group of companies. Accordingly, the employer with whom a temporary employment relationship is established is jointly liable with the transferring employer for the wages, the obligation to take care of the employee and social insurance premiums during the period of employment (Art. 7/15). The liability stipulated herein is a joint liability as accepted in the doctrine.58 55 Süzek, p. 292. 56 Orhan Ersun Civan, “Yeni Düzenlemeler Çerçevesinde Meslek Edinilmiş Ödünç (Geçici) İş İlişkisi”, AÜHFD, 66 (2) 2017, p. 388. 57 For more information on the temporary employment relationship, see, Özkaraca, Özel İstihdam Bürosu, p. 53 et seq.; Süzek, p. 280 et seq.; Çelik/Caniklioğlu/Canbolat/Özkaraca, p. 249 et seq.; Ali Güzel/Hande Heper, “Sürekli İstihdamdan Geçici Atipik İstihdama!...: Mesleki Amaçlı Geçici İş İlişkisi”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 2017/01, p. 11 et seq. ; Civan, p. 311 et seq.; Ayşegül Ekin, İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukukunda Mesleki Anlamda Geçici İş İlişkisi, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Konya 2019, p. 6.; Esra Yiğit, Özel İstihdam Büroları Aracılığıyla Geçici İş İlişkisi, On İki Levha Yayınları, İstanbul, 2019, p. 70 et seq; Duygu Çelebi, Meslek Edinilmiş Geçici İş İlişkisi, Ankara, 2019, p. 30 et seq. 58 Süzek, p. 299; Yiğit, p. 170 vd; Çelebi, p. 345; Civan, Geçici, p. 384 et seq. ; Serkan Odaman, “Yeni Düzenlemeler Çerçevesinde Türk İş Hukukunda Ödünç İş İlişkisi Uygulaması”, Sicil İHD, Issue 36, December, 2016, p. 55.