37 Union of Turkish Bar Associations Review 2023 Hüseyin ACAR XI. REGULATIONS IN COMPARATIVE LAW The offence of acting contrary to the measures regarding contagious diseases is regulated in various ways in the legislation of countries. The regulations of various countries such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France, which are among the continental European legal systems, will be examined below respectively. There is no provision in the German Criminal Code (StrafgesetzbuchStGB) for the punishment of acting contrary to of measures taken to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. The provisions are regulated in the Infectious Disease Protection Act (InfektionsschutzgesetzIfSG), which was enacted as a special criminal law for the purpose of preventing and combating contagious diseases and entered into force on 01.01.2001. This law has been amended three times in the last year by the German Bundestag (Deutscher Bundestag). The first amendment was made on 27.03.2020171, the second on 19.05.2020172 and the third on 18.11.2020173. Article 28a of Chapter 5 (Abschnitt Bekämpfung übertragbarer Krankheiten) on combating contagious diseases regulates in detail the special protection measures for the prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic (Besondere Schutzmaßnahmen zur Verhinderung der Verbreitung der Coronavirus-Krankheit 2019). Article 73 of the Infectious Disease Protection Act, which was enacted to prevent the spread of contagious diseases, provides for administrative fines (§73 Bußgeldvorschriften), Article 74 provides for criminal penalties (§74 Strafvorschriften), and Article 75, paragraph 1, which regulates additional criminal penalties, provides for imprisonment for up to two years or a fine for acting contrary to quarantine measures.174 Article 178 of the Austrian Criminal Code regulates the offence of intentionally endangering human health with contagious diseases (Vorsätzliche Gefährdung von Menschen durch übertragbare Krankheiten). 171 German Federal OG. 27.03.2020, S. 587, (Bundesgesetzblatt-BGBI. I 2020 S. 587; Gesetz zum Schutz der Bevölkerung bei einer epidemischen Lage von nationaler Tragweite). 172 German Federal OG. 19.05.2020, S. 1018, (Bundesgesetzblatt-BGBI. I 2020 S. 1018; Zweites Gesetz). 173 German Federal OG. 18.11.2020, S. 2397, (Bundesgesetzblatt-BGBI. I 2020 S. 2397; Drittes Gesetz). 174 German Infectious Disease Protection Act; Infektionsschutzgesetz-IfSG md.75/1, 20. Temmuz 2000, (BGBl. I S. 1045).