38 The Offence of Acting Contrary to Measures to Contain Contagious Disease (TPC ART. 195) According to this article, whoever commits an act that may cause the spread of a contagious disease among people shall be punished with imprisonment of up to three years. If the acts specified in this article are committed through negligent acts, Article 179 stipulates a prison sentence of up to one year or a fine of 720 days.175 Article 231 of the Swiss Criminal Code, titled “ Spreading Infectious Diseases” (Verbreiten menschlicher Krankheiten), stipulates that anyone who intentionally spreads a dangerous contagious disease shall be punished with imprisonment from one to five years. In addition, in order to combat the COVID-19 outbreak and to prevent contradictions to the quarantine measures taken, the Swiss Federal Council issued a Decree on Measures to be Taken in the Fight Against Coronavirus. Pursuant to Article 10(f) of Decree No. 2, a person who intentionally contradicts the measures taken to prevent the spread of a contagious disease at meetings, events or other organizations within the scope of Article 6 of the Decree is punishable by up to three years’ imprisonment or a fine, unless it is a crime punishable more severely under the Swiss Criminal Code. According to Article 185, paragraph 3 of the Swiss Constitution, a decree may be issued on measures to be taken to prevent the endangerment of internal and external security and the disruption of public order, provided that the duration is determined in advance.176 This regulation has been criticized in the doctrine by some administrative and criminal law experts on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. According to Swiss criminal law expert Niggli, neither Article 7 of the Epidemic Diseases Act (Epidemiengesetz-EpG)177 which authorizes the Federal Council to take necessary measures throughout the country or in a certain region in extraordinary circumstances, nor Article 185 of the Constitution authorizes the Federal Council to impose fines or imprisonment by decree. Indeed, Article 1 of the Swiss 175 Article 178 of the Austrian Criminal Code; Strafgesetzbuch (§178 Vorsatzliche Gefahrdung von Menschen durch Übertragbare Krankheiten). 176 Swiss OG. 13.03.2020, (der Schweizerische Bundesrat, Verordnung 2 über Massnahmen zur Bekämpfung des Coronavirus (COVID-19) vom 13. März 2020 (Stand am 20. Juni 2020). 177 Swiss Epidemic Diseases Act, Epidemiengesetz; (EpG) vom 28. September 2012, ist seit 1.1.2016 in Kraft, Und ermöglicht eine früh zeitige Erkennung, Überwachung, Verhütung und Bekämpfung.