49 Union of Turkish Bar Associations Review 2023 Erdem DOĞAN sales, inspection and logistics carried out in many sectors and business models. Since the industrial revolution, human-machine cooperation has come a long way and has become an actor that makes significant contributions to human life. In our time, this approach has evolved from the production process carried out with muscle power and simple machines to a point where a human-machine mixed entity is designed, consisting of computers imitating biological intelligence and people with machine speed and synthetic intelligence.1 As a result of this mental revolution, the extent and scope of the progress made within the scope of human-machine interaction has opened the door to project studies aimed at transferring many utopian dreams that were deemed impossible in the past to real life. Because, while humans have unique abilities such as intuition, imagination and adaptability that cannot be imitated by machines and algorithms, machines also have abilities such as automation, machine learning and synthetic intelligence that provide great advantages compared to muscle and biological intelligence.2 With such a strong and talented existence, human beings aim to eliminate global problems that may take many years to solve with traditional methods in a short time, and to reach the highest levels in economic and social life in terms of productivity, job satisfaction and social welfare. More importantly, scientists aim to reach much deeper and more sophisticated layers by breaking the static patterns of world civilization, within the framework of cybernetic society, thanks to the adaptive and dynamic structure of super artificial intelligence.3 1 J. Gunther/F. Munch/S. Beck,/S. Loffler/C. Leroux/R. Labruto, Issues of Privacy and Electronic Personhood in Robotics, Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2012, p. 818 10.1109/ROMAN.2012.6343852. 2 Ray Kurzweil, Kurzweil Network, Accelerating Intelligence, Essays, (singularity Q&A), December 2011. https://www.kurzweilai.net/singularity-q-a SET:08.08.2020; Michael E. Porter/James E. Heppelmann, Harvard Business Review, HBR’S 10 Must Reads, “Artırılmış Gerçeklik Stratejisine Neden Her Organizasyonun İhtiyacı Vardır?”, (Nadir Özata), Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2019, p. 108. 3 James H. Wilson/Paul R. Daugherty, Harvard Business Review, HBR’S 10 Must Reads, “İşbirliğine Dayalı Zekâ: İnsanlar ile Yapay Zekâ Güçlerini Birleştiriyor”, (Nadir Özata), Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2019, p. 187;