78 The Search for A New Legal Personality in The Digital Age: Artificial Intelligence In this context, considering the common characteristics of all entities that have acquired legal personality, it can be seen that granting personality to these entities is based on either humans themselves or entities that contribute significantly to humans in social and economic life. Considering the progress potential of the new generation artificial intelligence, which constantly improves itself with the machine learning method and has the capacity to learn through its own experiences, it will go beyond the designs and targets set for them by interacting with people and the environment in extremely complex ways. At the end of this process, artificial intelligent beings will become social actors and appear in very different appearances in politics, economy, law and many other fields. When this process of change reaches a certain stage, the personification of artificial intelligence systems will become a social reality and a political necessity. Theories about granting legal status to non-biological intelligent beings, which continue at the conceptual level until they become a social reality and a political necessity, will turn into pragmatic needs after this stage. This will enable the implementation of normative regulations regarding the legal recognition of artificial intelligence entities by activating the human-centred legal system based on human interests. Legally accepting a non-human being as a person will require extensive codification in the context of integrating these beings into the legal system. In this context, legislative changes and new legal regulations will be needed on many issues such as recognition of personality by the legal system, determination of legal action capacity, attribution of rights and duties, determination of administrative and judicial procedures and principles, and ensuring the participation of these non-human beings in political, economic and cultural life. Giving artificial intelligence entities a legal status also requires determining a specific personality model for these entities. It would not be a sustainable approach to determine the model to be chosen by a method envisaged based on the unique needs of the past and the conditions and functioning of that day for groups of people and property such as companies, associations, foundations, various institutions and organizations. For this reason, the personality model to be preferred