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Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin Laiklik ve Bölünmez Bütünlük İlkeleri Ve Hegemonik Koruma ...


Anahtar Kelimeler:


Türk AnayasaMahkem-

esi, Siyasi Partiler, Hegemonik Koruma Tezi, Anayasa Yargısı


Political parties are significant for the two functions

they bear in political field. Firstly, political parties are inevitably

necessary for a modern pluralistic democratic political mechanism.

Yet in this way, pluralism and diversity shaped by individuals’ world

of meaning on social ground can be moved to political system and

state mechanism. Thus, social dynamism can be transfered to state

and government practice. In this case, political parties function as

political communication channels between state and individual-so-

ciety. Secondly, via political parties, individuals can gather around

common opinion and view in an organised manner. In this way, on

one hand, an effective struggle against the violence of rights and

liberty is shown; on the other hand, via political opposition, the

establishment of an authoritarian structure in state mechanism

can be avoided. Accordingly, it can be said that political parties en-

sure the operability of modern pluralistic democracy in real terms.

In that case, the Constitutional Court should not restrict political

system as a consequence of constitutional oversight it has; on the

contrary, it should give way to social -hence political- pluralism.

Thus the Court must leave its behaviour as the executive of ben-

efit and preferences of statist ideological and particular elite social

groups and, with its whole motivation, focus on establishment of

a political atmosphere shaped by state of law and pluralistic de-

mocracy in line with human rights and liberty. So indeed, in today’s

world in which universal data flow gets dense, the transfer of so-

ciological changes and transformation to politics can be achieved

via political parties.


Pluralistic Democracy, Turkish Constitutional

Court, Political Parties, Hegemonic Preservation Thesis, Constitu-

tional Judgement


Toplumsal hayatta bireylerin anlam dünyalarının çeşitliliğine da-

yanan düşünce ve değerlerin çoğulculuğu ve farklılığı ekseninde be-

lirli bir dinamizm söz konusudur denilebilir. Toplumsal zemindeki

evrensel bilgi akışı ve dinamizm beraberinde sosyolojik değişimi ve

dönüşümü gerçekleştirmektedir. Gerçekten de küresel alanda toplum-

lar ve bireyler arası iletişim kanalların her geçen gün artması sosyal

hayattaki devinimi arttırmakta ve var olan değer, düşünce ve yaşam

tarzını farklılaştırabilmektedir. Ancak bu farklılaşmanın ve çoğulcu-