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Müvekkil Beklenti ve Tatmininin Avukat Tarafından Karşılanmasının...


da bu durumu destekler niteliktedir. Oysaki avukat ve müvekkil ilişkisi

karşılıklı güven ve memnuniyet ilişkisi ile paralellik içerisindedir. Genel

olarak avukat ve müvekkil arasında en başta güven, memnuniyet ve

karşılıklı ikili ilişkinin nedenli önemli olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu olgu-

ların sağlanması avukatın müvekkili adına yaptığı çalışmada daha fazla

başarı elde etmesine ve müvekkilinde avukatından beklentisinin karşı-

lanmasına neden oluşturmaktadır.

Anahtar Kelimeler :

Avukat, Müvekkil, Mahkeme, Hukuk, Dava,

Dosya, Memnuniyet 


The aim of this study is to determine dimensions of

lawyer-client relation. Within these dimensions, the satisfaction level

between lawyer and client was tried to be determined. A field study

was carried out in the study. A scaled questionnaire was used in the

field study. There are 83 questions in total in this questionnaire. The

questionnaire is composed of two parts. Demographic features of

participants were tried to be determined in the first part having 28

questions. The second part with 55 questions is the scaled part and

being composed of thoughts of participants about the subject of the

study. The scale we use is 5 likert scale. This scale is graded from left to

right as 5-4-3-2 and 1. Questions no. 1-2-3-4-5-6-8-10 and 23 in the part

with demographic questions are really important. Correlation was

used in the analysis directed to these questions and comparisons were

made. Distributions for the court group in 23rd question especially

were compared with the demographic questions no. 1-2-3-4-5-6. In

this comparison, in which court individual/individuals, who are within

the distribution for age, education, income, inhabited region, have

case file were tried to be determined. The questionnaire used was

prepared by being inspired from different questionnaires used before.

Therefore, an application was made on 50 participants before the

survey and data obtained from these participants were analyzed with

SPSS17 statistics program and Cronbach’s Alpha number was found as

902. This shows that this study is highly reliable. The study helps for

individuals within the attorneyship to understand the necessities of

job, and for this importance to be compared with client expectation.

Different crime factors have arisen today and the situation has gained

a serious dimension in many societies. These conditions have made

the client to trust and believe in his/her lawyer obligatory. Following

our study, majority of participants have stated that the lawyer’s

service in inadequate for them. This rate is 65%. Among the reasons

for this mistrust, the thought of majority of participants is that if they

pay more to their lawyers, the case will result in their favour. This

rate is 67% approximately. This picture shows that attorneyship has

become a business and our findings support this idea. However, the

lawyer-client relation is in parallel with the relation of mutual trust and

satisfaction. In general, why trust, satisfaction and mutual relation is

important between lawyer and client has been presented. Maintaining

these facts constitute the reasons for the lawyer to be more successful

in his/her efforts for the client and to meet the client expectation.

Key words:

Lawyer, Client, Court, Law, Case, File, Satisfaction