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Kamu Yönetiminde Bir İlk; ÇED Raporu Uygulaması İle İşlem Üretme Sürecine ...


applicable and consuetudinary procedure for public administration

in Turkey . “Public Participation” is a kind of environmental right for

individual and civil organization to participate or attend to decision

making process about environmental issues. Furthermore, “Public

Participation” also includes “the right of complaint” of individual

and civil organization which means to apply to administrative court

or administrative authorities in case of any environmental damages

or any law breach. Based on the idea that “environment is existing

for human”, administrative authorities shall ask individual and civil

organization’s view/opinion regarding critical issue for environment

like EIA process and environmental decision shall be made by a com-

mon will of both public and administry. At the present, settled and

protected environmental rights shall be seen as a more required

thing than economic development. Therefore administrative autho-

rities shall ensure the “Public Participation” and ask individual and

civil organization’s view/opinion regarding public issues especially

in decision making process. Furthermore “Public Participation Pro-

cedure” shall be generalized and individual and civil organization’s

view/opinion considered as an important factor than before. Thus,

according to Council Of Europe Commıttee Of Mınısters Resolutı-

on On The Protectıon Of The Indıvıdual In Relatıon To The Acts Of

Administrative Authorıtıes the administrative authorities is obli-

ged to ensure the public participation” and ask individual and civil

organization’s view/opinion as well as.

Keywords :

Environmental İmpact Assessment Process, EIA

Process, public participation, participation in administry, Council Of

Europe Commıttee Of Mınısters Resolutıon On The Protectıon Of

The Indıvıdual In Relatıon To The Acts Of Administrative Authorıtıes


1961 Anayasası‘nın yürürlükte olduğu dönemde, birçok kanunda,

çevre sorunlarına ilişkin muhtelif hükümlere yer verilmiştir.

Ancak, bu hükümler kişilerarası ilişkileri düzenlemiş olması nede-

niyle çevre sorunlarını önlemede zamanla yetersiz kaldığı bir gerçek

olarak kendini göstermiştir.

“Çevre olgusu“ ilk kez Anayasal düzeyde 2709 Kanun numaralı

1982 Anayasasında yer almıştır.

Temel Haklar ve Ödevler

“ üst, “

Sosyal ve Ekonomik Haklar ve Ödev-


“ alt başlıklı üçüncü ayrımında Anayasa‘nın, “Sağlık Hizmetleri ve