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TBB Dergisi 2018 (134)


Bergami Roberto, “Will the UCP 600 Provide Solutions to Letter of Credit Transacti-

ons?”, International Review of Business Research Papers, Vol. 3 No. 2 June 2007,

41-53 (“Solutions” olarak anılacaktır).

Bergami, Roberto: “UCP 600 rules – changing letter of credit business for internatio-

nal traders?”, Int. J. Economics and Business Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009, 191-203

(“UCP 600 Rules” olarak anılacaktır).

Davidson Alan, “Commercial Laws in Coflict-An Application of the Autonomy Prin-

ciple in Letters of Credit”, International Trade and Business Law Annual, April

2001, Vol. VI, 65-79.

Ekici Akın, “Akreditifte Lehtarın Dürüstlük Kurallarına Aykırı Olarak (Fraud) Bedeli

Talep Etmesi ve Bu Durumda Akreditif Bedelini İştira (İskonto) Eden Bankanın

Hukuki Durumu”, Prof. Dr. Hayri Domaniç’e 80. Yaş Günü Armağanı, C. I, İs-

tanbul, 2001, 157-177.

Ellinger E. Peter, “The UCP-500: Considering a New Revision”, LMCLQ 2004 (Febru-

ary, Part I) 30 (“New Revision” olarak anılacaktır).

Ellinger E. Peter, “The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits-the

1993 Revision”, LMCLQ 1994, 377 (“1993 Revision” olarak anılacaktır).

Ellinger E. Peter, “The Uniform Customs-their nature and the 1983 revision’, LMCLQ

1984, 578 (“1983 Revision” olarak anılacaktır).

Karim Ridoan/Islam Zahidul, “Critical Analysis of the Principle of Strict Compliance

in Letter of Credit Operation with Relation to the UCP 600

”, Journal of Asian and

African Social Science and Humanities,

Vol. 2, No. 3, 2016, 105-114.

Karl Andreas, “Letters of Credit and ‘The Doctrine of Strict Compliance’”, (çevrimiçi)

Meral Nevin, “The Fraud Exception in Documentray Credits: A Global Analysis”, An-

kara Bar Review Vol. 5 Issue 2 2012, 39-76.

Özel Sibel, “Akreditif İlişkisinde UTO Kurallarının (UCP 600) Banka-

lar Arası İlişkiye Etkisi”, (çevrimiçi)



Rodrigo Thanuja, “UCP 500 to 600: A Forward Movement”, 18 eLaw J. 1 2011.

Schulze WG, “The UCP 600: A New Law Applicable to Documentary Letters of Cre-

dit”, 21 S. Afr. Mercantile L.J. 228 2009.

Setenay Yağmur, “Katılanlar Arasındaki Hukukî İlişkiler Açısından Akreditif”, Prof.

Dr. Hamdi Yasaman’a Armağan, İstanbul 2017, 737-770.

Taneja Pradeep, “UCP 600: A document restoring the credibility of L/Cs”, (2007)

109(2) Business Credit 56.


Position Papers n° 1, 2, 3, 4 on UCP 500, (çevrimiçi)
