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Feminist Hukuk Teorisinde Metodoloji


There is one problem faced in law related studies,

which is in fact not exclusive to the field of law and shared with the

other disciplines of social sciences; and the said problem is called

“methodology”. Acquiring the right data on the area of study is only

possible by using right methods and using the right methods for re-

aching the goal is a necessity rather than a requirement; however,

the problem of methodology in social sciences may be its demand

for excessive certainty; its methods’ inconsistency with the human

nature which is shaped by wisdom, emotion and desire. Every aca-

demic discipline struggles for finding out the appropriate method

and developing it. Thus, the discipline may have the reliable infor-

mation and also find a suitable apparatus for the rational and civil

spurts of the humankind.

One of the law’s priority problems which should be addressed

immediately should be Law’s patriarchal nature; - that is, its langua-

ge and methodologies being masculine, externalisation of women’s

experience from the field of law, omission of their needs even by

the laws adopted for women, such laws’ repression on women.

As Gündüz Vassaf also states, the gender resides in the mind rat-

her than the body. Gender roles and relations are not determined

only by genetics. Apart from pregnancy, all our gender identities

are situations of our mind. Based on this situation, the feminist the-

ory objects to obtaining information by using patriarchal methods.

Patriarchal methods support the patriarchal nature of the science

and prevents representation of emotions and experiences which

are exclusive to women. Such information may be right but it will

always be deficient as they do not involve “women beings”. As a re-

sult, being informed about the feminist legal methodology’s unique

characteristics and methods is of great importance in discovering

the womanhood. A legal system created by using such methods will

be successful in reflecting the demands of women.


: Feminism, Legal Theory, Feminist Legal Theory, Fe-

minist Legal Methodology


“Feminizm nedir?” sorusuyla karşılaşmak, bir feministin günlük

rutini içinde yer almaktadır. Bu soru meraktan, küçümsemeden ya da

“kutsal aile yapısını” bozacak (!) feminist akımlara dair bir korkudan

kaynaklanabilir. Tüm bunlara yanıt verme kaygısı bir yana bırakıldığın-

da yapılacak tanım, “feminizm cinsiyetçiliği, cinsiyetçi sömürü ve bas-

kıyı sona erdirmeye çalışan bir harekettir” olmalıdır. Bu tarz bir yanıt ile

feminizmin erkek düşmanlığı olmaması bir yana, erkek ya da kadın, her

iki cinsin doğduğu andan itibaren cinsiyetçi düşünce ve eylem kalıpla-

rını kabul etmek üzere sosyalleştirildiği de anlatılmak istenmektedir.



Gloria Watkins, Feminizm Herkes İçindir, Çitlembik Yayınları, 2000, İstanbul, s. II.