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Yardım Kuruluşu Olmanın Ötesinde Bir Örgüt: Uluslararası Kızılhaç Komitesi



This article stems from the fact that the closure of Ankara

liaison office of the Interna-tional Red Cross Committee (ICRC) in 2012

has attracted almost no attention on the national media. Organization’s

not being adequately known by the public can be con-sidered as a

reason for the lack of interest in the subject. On the other hand, it can be

argued that some political reasons as well can explain the Organization’s

restricted ac-tivities in Turkey. Therefore, it is necessary to increase public

awareness of the ICRC. Humanitarian aid works that the ICRC has carried

out in general and its collaborations with other organizations in this

field veil sometimes the real mission and the role the ICRC in the field of

humanitarian law: humanitarian aid in environments of armed con-flict

and violence. However, both its role in compiling rules of humanitarian

law and transmitting these rules into positive law and the duty it has

undertaken in overseeing these rules makes the ICRC one of the foremost

guarantors of humanitarian law. When we consider the nonstop threat

of armed conflict hanging on the head of international community, the

national and international conflicts ongoing throughout a significant part

of the world, and the length of the road still to be travelled on the way

to disarmament and international peace, it is evident that the duty and

mission of the ICRC that has worked with devotion up to date has not been

completed yet. To this end, it is espe-cially important to raise awareness

regarding the principles of neutrality and impartiality which comprise the

mission statement of the Committee, while maintaining the principle of

confidentiality implemented in all oversight works as a standard procedure

in order to continue collaborations with governments. When we take into

consideration the ICRC’s organic ties with the international institutions

and establishments as well as its role in their works, it is clear that both

international community and individual governments should continue to

give top level aid and support to the ICRC. It will be significantly beneficial

to Turkey, which has been dealing with the refugee problem, if it makes

use of the experience and knowledge of the ICRC immediately.


International Committee of the Red Cross, The

International Red Cross and Red Cres-cent Movement, the International

Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, National Red Cross

and Red Crescent Societies, international humanitarian law, huma-nitarian

aid, armed conflict, civil war, non-international armed conflict, the Red

Crescent, refugees.

Uluslararası Kızılhaç Komitesi’nin


, Ankara’da 2003 yılından beri

faaliyette olan İrtibat Bürosu’nun


, 2012 yılı Mart ayında, çalışmaları-


İngilizce adı “The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Fransızcada

ise, “Comité interna-tional de la Croix-Rouge (CICR)” olan Uluslararası Kızılhaç

Komitesi, işbu makalede zaman zaman Komite olarak anılmakta olup, zaman za-

man ise, “UKK” olarak kısaltılmıştır.


Bkz. 58 Numaralı 8 Nisan 2003 tarihli, Uluslararası Kızılhaç Komitesi´nin (ICRC)

Ankara´da geçici bir misyon açmasına dair Anlayış Muhtırası. Muhtıra’nın İçeri-

ğine, Dışişleri Bakanlığı internet sitesinden ulaşılabilir: