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6701 Sayılı Türkiye İnsan Hakları ve Eşitlik Kurumu Kanunu Sonrasında Bireysel ...

the organizational structure and operating bases of the Turkey Hu-

man Rights and Equality Institution, but also introduces a number

of regulations in respect of the principle of non-discrimination and

equality. This law aims to fulfil the obligations of Turkey with regard

to international law, to prevent unequal treatment and discrimina-

tion, and to establish a Human Rights Institution that will comply

with the Paris Principles specified by the United Nations General As-

sembly. The

ratione materiae

of Law No. 6701 has been widely con-

sidered when the international conventions that Turkey is a party to

are conceived.

The current Article 14 of the old Labor Law regulates the provi-

sions of severance pay. In accordance with the relevant provisions,

only those who are eligible to receive severance indemnity are emp-

loyees who are subject to the Labor Law. Those who are employed

under a service contract subject to the Law of Obligations, and tho-

se who are employed for a limited period of time with limited emp-

loyment contracts are not eligible to receive severance pay. In addi-

tion to this, according to the provision regulating the severance pay,

terminating the employment contract for one’s own desire within

one year from the marriage date of the woman entitles the severan-

ce pay. The aim of our work is to question whether these different

treatments are contrary to the equality principle of the Constitution

and Turkey’s international legal obligations or not.



Severance Pay, TIHEK, Labor Law Content, Labor

Law Exceptions, Discrimination


6701 sayılı TİHEK Yasası’nın yürürlüğe girmesinden sonra, son-

raki kanun (

lex posterior)

olarak 6701 sayılı Yasa, getirmiş olduğu dü-

zenlemelerle aynı düzenlemeleri ihtiva eden önceki kanunları (



ilga edecek mi meselesi bir sorun olarak kendini göstermekte-



22.5.2003 tarihli ve 4857 sayılı İş Kanunu’nun 120nci maddesiyle

25.8.1971 tarihli ve 1475 sayılı mülga İş Kanunu’nun kıdem tazminatını

düzenleyen 14. maddesi yürürlükte bırakılmıştır. Eski İş Kanunu’nun

yürürlükte olan 14. maddesine göre kıdem tazminatına hak kazanabil-

mek için ilk şart olarak İş Kanunu’na göre istihdam edilen bir işçi ol-

mak gerekecektir. Bu anlamda İş Kanunu’na göre istihdam edilmeyen,

Borçlar Kanunu hükümlerince hizmet akdiyle çalışan birisinin hizmet


Kemal Gözler, ‘‘Yorum İlkeleri’’, Kamu Hukukçuları Platformu Toplantısı, An-

kara, 29.9.2012, s.66