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Osmanlı Devleti’nde Kadınların Mülkiyet Hakları ve Karşılaştıkları Hukuki Sorunlar

20. Yüzyılda karşılaştığı sorunlar arasında hiçbir fark yoktur. Değişen

tek şey şikâyet dilekçelerinde kullanılan dildir. 20. Yüzyılın Osmanlı

kadınları artık bir lütuf olarak değil, hukuka uygun olarak medeni ve

anayasal haklarını talep etmiştir. Unutulmamalıdır ki Osmanlı kadın-

larınınmülkiyet haklarını korumak konusunda karşılaştıkları zorluklar

ve verdikleri hukuki mücadele günümüzde bu konuda karşılaşılan so-

runların anlaşılabilmesinde de önemli bir referans noktası olacaktır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Tereke, Eda Ehliyeti, Taşınmaz Mal, Şikâyet

Dilekçesi, Şer’iyye Mahkemesi


The accepted identity in the Ottoman Empire was be-

ing Moslem, free and man. For this reason non-moslems, slaves and

women had different legal status. The inequalities between men

and women can be seen especially in the fields of marriage, divorce,

portion of inheritance, testimony and political rights. Except from

these, there was no diversity between men and women in terms

of property rights in the Ottoman legal system. In this context, the

women who had capacity to act could do all kinds of legal transacti-

ons and own movable and immovable property by purchasing, do-

nation, succession and will. Nevertheless the Ottoman women had

to strive for protecting their property rights. There are numerous

examples that prove the struggle in the shari’a court records and

the archive documents. In that period, the Ottoman women firstly

went to the shari’a courts. If they believed that the court’s decision

was not fair, they could write petitions to the sultan by declaring

their grievances and demand the justice of Sultan. The Ottoman of-

ficial documents proved that the property rights of Ottoman wo-

men were vulnerable and opened to attack. The Ottoman women

generally complained about the attacks of their male relatives such

as husbands, brothers, nephews. Those male relatives frequently

seized women’s real estates or portion of inheritance. Also local

powers sometimes abused their authorities and retained the immo-

vable properties of women. Compared to men, women submitted

less petitions to İstanbul. Writing a petition was the last resort for

the Ottoman women when all other avenues for obtaining concessi-

ons or compromises had failed. The cases sued in the shari’a courts

and the petitions written by women were mostly about the violati-

on of the property and inheritance rights. It is interesting to see that

complaints of women contained mostly their property and inheri-

tance rights rather than the grievances of marriage and divorce. The

women’s complaints were not related to their social status, even

the women who were the members of Ottoman dynasty face injus-

tices related to the property rights. Throughout the centuries, the

representatives of the judicial and the executive organ were tend to

decide in favour of the men on property disputes. Even after centu-

ries, the Ottoman women had faced same difficulties for exercising

their property rights. As the Ottoman records show us, there is no

difference between the problems which the Ottoman women had

to faced in 17th century and the 20th century. The only alteration ap-

peared on the nature of women’s petitions. In 20th century, women

demanded their constitutional and civil rights instead of sultanic jus-

tice in their petitions. The traditional pleading and passive tone of