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Kent Planlama ve Adalet İlişkisinin Değişen İçeriği


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Kent, Kentsel Adalet, Kent Hakkı, Planlama


Abstract :

Social, political, economic, and geographic areas of

discussions and the search for justice go back to the ancient period

in the historical process. However, discussions on urban planning,

and justice can be associated with intensification of the industrial

revolution and the rapid urbanization process. Urban planning

at various periods since the 19th century was held with different

scopes and methodologies. Different approaches to urban planning

were carried by different justice concerns. For example, in the 19th

century to ensure healthy urban living conditions was evaluated as

the basic means of providing urban justice, in the further periods

within the framework of ad vocative planning approach the position

of minorities and disadvantaged groups within the system of justice

was evaluated extensively in the discussions. Discussions of justice

have taken place in urban planning processes, as well as approaches

to urban analysis. With the last quarter of 20th century globalization,

processes of justice have become much more intensely discussed

topic. With the Influence of neo-liberal economic policies, urban

planning has become one of the main actors that direct the urban

market. Such an intense discussion of the concept of justice is due

to the fact that the process causes injustice in every field. At this

point, new approaches and methods in order to sustain justice

began to develop within the scope of the state management

approaches, local governance and urban planning approaches. New

approaches to issues such as democracy and justice highlighted

the importance of social participation processes. Because it was

concluded that within the market and competition-based urban

planning process, democracy and justice could be provided onlywith

public participation and resistance of individuals and the society.

Today, the concept of justice and social rights in relation with urban

planning and ecological concerns span a wide ranging spectrum.

In this paper, it is intended to do a systematic and theoretical

evaluation of the concept of justice, and its changing content within

the historical process of different approaches to urban analysis and

urban planning.

Key Words :

City, Urban Justice, Right to the City, Planning



Yapılı çevrenin inşa edilmeye başladığı antik dönemlerden gü-

nümüze değin, kentleşme süreci içerisinde ve kentlerin yönetiminde

sistem arayışı var olmuştur. Çünkü işbölümü ve uzmanlaşmanın ge-

liştiği topluluklarda, sınıfsal sistemin oluşması, ekonomik, toplumsal

ve askeri bütünlüğün sağlanması için belirli bir düzenin kurulması