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Uluslararası Yatırımdan Kaynaklanan Uyuşmazlıkların Çözümünde ICSID Sözleşmesinin ...


Ahmadou Sadio Diallo Case (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of Congo)

, Prelimi-

nary Objections, 2007 ICJ Rep No. 103.

Amco Asia Corporation et al. v. Indonesia,

Decision on Annulment, International Centre

for Settlement of Investment Disputes: Decision of Ad Hoc Committee, [16 May

1986] 25 ILM 1441.

Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company Case

, 1970 ICJ Rep.

Elettronica Sicula S.p.A. (ELSI) Case (United States of America v. Italy)

, 1989 ICJ Rep.

Fedax N.V. v. Republic of Venezuela (ICSID Case No. ARB/96/3), Decision on Objections to

Jurisdiction of 11 July, 1997, 5 ICSID Rep. 186, 2002.

LaGrand Case (Germany v. United States of America), 2001 ICJ Rep.

Mihaly International Corporation v. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (ICSID

Case No. ARB/00/2), Award, 15 March 2002, 6 ICSID Reports 308, 2004.

Nottebohm Case (Second Phase) (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala), 1955 ICJ Rep.

Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations, Advisory Opini-

on, 1949 ICJ Rep.

The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions (Greece v. UK), PCIJ Rep Series A No. 2, 1924.

The Panevezys – Saldutiskis Railway Case (Preliminary Objections) (Estonia v. Lithuania),

PCIJ Rep Series A/B, No. 76, 28 February 1939.

Zhinvali Development Limited v. Republic of Georgia

(ICSID Case No. ARB/00/1), Award,

24 January 2003, 10 ICSID Reports 3, 2006.