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Tanzimat Sonrası Osmanlı Kadın Hareketi ve Hukuki Talepleri

rın yaşadığı problemler, hukuki talepleri ve elde ettikleri kazanımlar

çalışmaya konu edilecektir. Bu bağlamda kadın dergilerinin ve der-

neklerin faaliyetleri, yapılan hukuki düzenlemeler konumuz açısın-

dan oldukça yol gösterici olacaktır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Osmanlı Kadın Hareketi, Osmanlı Kadın

Dergileri, Osmanlı Kadın Dernekleri, Kadın Hakları


Women’s movement is lasting for centuries as a fre-

edom and equality struggle. Although the history of quest of the

right is based on the old ages, it must be agreed that the French re-

volution accelerated and built the ideological bases of the women’s

movement. After this date, women of western world had been star-

ted to fight to become free from the roles which gender imposed.

This struggle to get the rights on the social, political and judicial field

is the base of the women movement.

The movement spread to Ottoman Empire in a very short time.

Inequalities that women faced with, and being in existence only as

mother and wife are the common problems for all women.

Women has more rights in the Islamic-Ottoman law comparing

with the medieval Europe. However, in the 18th century, ideas that

emerged with the French Revolution and social transformations in

consequence of industrial revolution were reflected to the Ottoman

Empire as well. Modernization period that started with III. Selim and

II. Mahmut continued with the Tanzimat and Islahat Era, and it was

accelerated in the Meşrutiyet period.

The basis of the Ottoman women’s movement are composed

by the restrictions in education, right to labor, participation in the

social life, and family law. Struggle to get the political rights came

after these problems. Acquisition of these political rights, women

magazines and associations were the most important instruments

of the Ottoman women’s movement. It was tried to create a consci-

ousness through the articles in the magazines. Also, the established

women associations struggled for participation of women in work

and education life. Among these instruments, “Kadınlar Dünyası

Dergisi” magazine and “Osmanlı Müdâfaa-i Hukuk-ı Nisvan Cemiye-

ti” association were the most effective ones and they succeed to

get several acquisitions.

In our opinion, it should be discussed post Tanzimat era which

we can assume for the starting point for women to gain the rights

in republic era. The problems which women faced with, their judicial

requests, and the acquisitions which they earned with Tanzimat will

be the subject of this study. In this context, activities of women ma-

gazines and associations, and legal arrangements will be a guiding

light for our subject.


Ottoman Women’s Movement, Ottoman Women

Magazine, Ottoman Women Association, Women’s Rights