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Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 40’ıncı Maddesi Kapsamında Cinsiyet Değişikliği ve Hukukî Sonuçları



Arrangement on gender reassignment in Turkish

Law realized firstly in 1988 by a clause added to article 29 of Turkish

Civil Code. However since the arrangement in question is quite

insufficient for conditions and result of gender reassignment; it

has accompanied many arguments. By considering the arguments

on the matter lawmaker included a more detailed arrangement on

gender reassignment in Article 40 of Turkish Civil Code No. 4721

entered into force in 2002.

According to Article 40/I of Turkish Civil Code; the person

wishing gender reassignment should request permission for gender

reassignment by applying to court before surgery. For giving this

permission; it is stipulated for the person applying to the court for

request of permission to finish the age of eighteen and not to be

married; furthermore to certificate being in transsexual nature;

necessity from the aspect of mental health and being deprived of

reproductive abilities through an official medical board report to

be taken from a training & education hospital. The court decides to

make necessary amendment in civil registry in the case realization

of the gender reassignment surgery in compliance with the purpose

and medical methods based on the permission taken from the court

is verified through an official medical board report. By this decision;

gender reassignment is recorded to the civil registry.

In the case gender reassignment is reflected to civil registry;

some legal results shall occur especially in personal law and family

law of the person. In the scope of this study; the results originated

from gender reassignment were reviewed after the stipulations

prescribed in the law for gender reassignment are discussed one by



Gender reassignment, civil registry, transsexualty,


A) Genel Olarak

Cinsiyet değişikliğini incelemeye geçmeden önce kısaca cinsiyet

kavramı üzerinde durmak gerekir. Cinsiyet, biyolojik, fizyolojik, hor-

monal yönlerinin yanında, psikolojik ve sosyal yönleri de olan içgü-

düdür. Bu itibarla, cinsiyeti belirleyen sadece fiziki yapı değil, aynı

zamanda ruhî yapıdır.


Neuchatel Kanton Mahkemesi, 1945 yılında


TEKİN, Nurullah, “Cinsiyet Değiştirme Kavramı ve Cinsiyet Değişikliği Ameli-