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Yargıda Yetkinlik / Kemâlât Kriterleri


Anahtar Kelimeler:




hâkimler, merhamet, insan sevgisi, hukuk ve insan bilgisi, bilim aşkı,

tevazu, nezaket, idarecilik kabiliyeti, samimiyet, sabır, vicdan, eşit

bakış, yaş ve ehliyet, tecrübe, olgunluk, liyakat, sürekli eğitim, edep,

adap, sağlık.


Without doubt, the public expects and deserves

“well-trained” judges all around the world. Good judges must pur-

sue excellence. Modest, wise and noble Turkish judges must re-

member in every seconds of their service that each single decision

of them affects directly upon the property, liberty, and even life of

the human beings. Dedicated Turkish judges have to cause no failure

while the parties are awaiting a fair judgment for their legal dispute.

Unnecessarily extended trials mostly make the unfair parties get un-

deserved gains or put the just parties into poverty. An enlightened /

wise judge always has to foresee not to hurt the right side.

Perfect judgment could only and exactly be served by good

people, by excellent judges. In fact, there are some idioms about

faulty judiciary such as: “A right delayed is a right denied.” Or “Jus-

tice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere.” or “Delay in

justice is injustice.” or “Justice delayed is justice denied.” and “Nulli

vendemus, nulli negabimus, aut differemus, rectum aut justiciam.”

(To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or

justice. Magna Carta Libertatum, Article 40.)


Kurulan ve söylenen her cümle bir telkindir. Her cümle pozitif

veya negatif manada (ister emir kipiyle olsun isterse lütfen moduyla)

kişiye yapması veya yapmaması gerekeni telkin eder.

Bu manada en etkili ve kalıcı telkin yöntemi ise eğitimdir. Sürekli

eğitim ise sürekli telkin demektir.

Bizler bugüne kadar yargıda pozitif telkinin (Eğitimin /Sürekli

Eğitimin) gücünü maalesef pek kavrayamadık veya negatifine maruz

kaldık / maruz bıraktık.

Dilenirse denememize evvellerden ve de eskimeyenlerden, hem

de Doğu’dan, Batı’dan ve Orta’dan (Anadolu’dan) cümleler aktararak


Doğu’dan birinci karakterimiz Nuşirevan-ı Adîl;