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Üreme Hakkına İlişkin Tıbbi Müdahalelerde Rıza

meaning of assisted-reproduction treatment methods, medical in-

terventions which aim to satisfy the longing for children of couples

are targeted. The wide meaning of assisted-reproduction treatment

methods, besides having couples to have children, includes taking

and keeping reproductive cells and tissues which are taken from

these couples. In our laws, heterologous impregnation, that is to

say, using sperms or ovaries which belong to a third person other

than the married couple is impossible. Heterologous impregnation

prohibition also contradicts with the ‘prohibition of discrimination

principle’ which is emphasized in the Biomedicine Agreement and

with the universal equal protection of law principle. The regulations

related to this subject should definitely be made with a comprehen-

sive and independent law.

In Assisted-Reproduction Treatment Applications, receiving

the consent of two of the married couples which may benefit from

medical intervention is the main condition. The pathological con-

dition of this rule is the conditions of storing reproductive cells or

gonad tissues of only one person in medically obligatory conditions.

In our laws, there are three types of terminating pregnancies such

as terminating by mother’s will or due to medical complications or

terminating pregnancy in case of pregnancy which occurred as a

result of a crime. In all these three conditions, the consent of the

pregnant woman is definitely required. However, in case of taking

permissions from her guardian or from the court of peace requires

some time or in case of emergency which threaten her life or one of

her vital organs if it is not intervened immediately, no permission is



Reproductive Right, Reproductive Cells, Assisted-

Reproduction Treatment Applications, Medical Intervention, Con-

sent, Impregnation, Pregnancy


İnsan, diğer canlılardan ayrı olarak yalnızca biyolojik varlığı olan

bir canlı olmayıp, aynı zamanda psikolojik varlığı olan bir canlı tü-

rüdür. Bu sebeple kişi maddi ve manevi varlığını koruyup geliştirme

hakkı kazandığında “ insan doğası “ kavramı ortaya çıkmaktadır. İn-

san haklarıysa, kişilerin maddi ve manevi temel gereksinimlerini kar-

şılayan araçlar olma özelliğini insanın ahlaki doğasından almaktadır.


Evrensel nitelikteki bu gerçekliğin ulusal ve Uluslararası hukuksal dü-

zenlemelere konu oluşturduğu bilinen bir gerçekliktir.


Mehmet Ali Zengin, Biyoloji Uygulamaları Ve Tıbbi Müdahaleler Karşısında

İnsan Haklarının Korunması, Ankara, 2012,s.107