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Roma Hukukunda


ile Maiestas Populi

Romanı Arasındaki Bağlantı


The Crimen Maiestatis in the Roman Republic and Augustian Principate


Withwatersrand Unv. Press, 2. Ed., Johannesburg 1967.

Human Rights in Ancient Rome

, Routledge, London 2000.

Buckland William Warwick,

The Roman Law of Slavery


The Condition of

the Slave in Private Law from Augustus to Justinian,

Cambridge Unv.

Press, Cambridge, 1908.

A Textbook of Roman Law

, Cambridge

Finley Mosses,

Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology

, The Viking Press,

New York 1983.

Alison Futrell,

Historical Sources in Translation The Roman Games

, Black-

well Publishing, Oxford 2006,

Garnsey Peter,

Social Status and Legal Privilege in the Roman Empire

, Cla-

rendon Press, Oxford 1970.

Gibbon Edward, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Em-

pire, V.1-3, Campbell Publishers, 4. Ed., New York 1993.

Harris William Vernon,

War and Imperialism in Republican Rome, 327-70


, Clarendon Paperbacks, Oxford 1985.

Honoré Tony, Ulpian,

Pioneer of Human Rights

, Oxford Unv. Press, 2.

Ed., Oxford 2002.

Jolowicz Herbert Felix/Nicholas Barry,

Historical Introduction to the

Study of Roman Law

, Cambridge Unv. Press, 3. Ed., Cambridge


Jones Arnold Hugh Martins,

The Criminal Courts of the Roman Republic

and the Principate

, Blackwell Press, Oxford, 1972.

Karadeniz-Çelebican Özcan,

Roma Hukuku, Tarihi Giriş-Kaynaklar-Ge­

nel Kavramlar-Kişiler Hukuku-Hakların Korunması

, Yetkin Yayınları,

14. Basım, Ankara 2010.

Kerrigan Michael,

A Dark History: The Roman Emperors


From Iulus Cae­

sar to the Fall of Rome,

Grange Books, Edinburgh 2008.