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Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu ile Getirilen Bir Yenilik: “Pay Sahiplerinin ...



One of the new regulations introduced by the new

Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 is the prohibition of borrowing

to company. This prohibition, in general, aims to provide the conti-

nuity of company by protecting the company’s assets. Prohibition

of borrowing to the company, basically is predicated on contra-

distinguishing the company (stock corporation) which has a legal

personality, from its shareholders’ and managers’ personality and

thus ensures a professional management of the company. In this

context the legislator has chosen to formulate this prohibition in se-

parate articles with regard to the shareholders (partners) and board

members who are not shareholders (art. 358 and art. 395/2). Pro-

hibition of borrowing to company by shareholders’ (partners) (art.

358) constitutes the subject of this study because of the so much

discussion in the public. That provision envisages two conditions

for borrowing of shareholders to company. Within the scope of the

prohibition of borrowing to company the concept of “borrowing”

has special significance. Although there are significant changes put

into effect by the Law No. 6335 with regard to prohibition of bor-

rowing, it would be useful to reconsider and propose new changes

for the subject from several aspects. Since, the present form of the

regulations fails to serve adequately the objectives to be achieved

by the introduction of the prohibition of borrowing to company. In

this context, it would be appropriate to envisage more severe legal

sanctions for board members, in particular by the making distinction

between shareholders and board members (whether or not share-


Key Words:

Borrowing, Prohibition of borrowing to company,


1. Genel Olarak

6102 sayılı yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu, ticari hayatı yakından ilgi-

lendiren pek çok hüküm içermekte ve bu yönüyle toplumun tamamını

ilgilendiren temel bir kanun niteliği taşımaktadır. Kanunun genel ge-

rekçesi incelendiğinde, kanun koyucunun böylesine temel bir kanunu

değiştirirken, ticari iş ve işlemlerin daha hızlı gerçekleştirilmesi, ticari

hayatın kolaylaştırılması ve bu alandaki esneklik ve şeffaflığın sağ-

lanması gibi bazı temel amaçları gözettiği anlaşılmaktadır. Şüphesiz

bu amaçlara ulaşılıp ulaşılamayacağını uygulama ve zaman göstere-

cektir. Ancak görülen o ki, bu alandaki tartışmalar daha uzunca bir

süre devam edecektir. Yeni kanunla, bir yandan 6762 sayılı eski Türk

Ticaret Kanunu hükümleri revize edilmekte ve uygulamacıların daha