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Doçentlik Sınavında İdari Süreç



In our country whose primary target is to be an

information society, as the number of universities closes to 200,

the number of scientists and lecturers employed in our universities

increases with a great pace. Parallel to this development, principles

in qualified research subject and equality, impartiality, merit in

career development have gained more significance. In academic life,

obtaining the associate professor title by the scientists employed in the

universities as a result of their academic studies is a crucial stage; in our

country, the associate professor title is issued as a result of associate

professorship examination conducted by the “Üniversitelerarası Kurul

(UAK)” (Interuniversity Board). In examination, candidates for this

title are evaluated fromvarious angles based on their scientific studies,

unique publications, foreign language skills, merit, career, and ethical

values; and additionally they are both incurred oral examination and

study evaluation process. This article considered and investigated

administrative process, sample decisions of administrative court

and council of state regarding assistant professorship examination

process conducted by the UAK and which is an essential academic

career and promotion stage in our country; and information

concerning the problems experienced during the application process

was presented. Since raising the society of science requires first of

all raising competent and qualified scientists and it is crucial for our

country to reach the science and technology level of modern societies,

it is required as well that an objective, impartial system which relies

on merit and success must be founded in the academic career path of

scientists who work for our universities.


Interuniversity Board (Üniversitelerarası Kurul),

Assistant Professorship, Scientist, Scientific Research, Unique

Publication, Merit, Career, Oral Examination, Scientific Language,

Assistant Professorship Jury, Refereed Journal, Principal Author,

Ethical Values.


Nitelikli bilim insanlarının seçilmeleri ve akademik olarak yük-

selmelerine ilişkin kıstaslar, ülkemiz gelecek nesillerinin yetiştirilme-

si açısından yaşamsal öneme sahiptir. Eğitim öğretim hizmetleri bir

kamu hizmeti olmasının yanı sıra, gelecek nesillerin şekillendirilme-

sinde toplumsal yararın/kamu yararının en üst düzeyde şekillendiği

temel hizmetler olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Gelecek nesillere karşı

bu sorumluluğun yerine getirilmesi, bu günden nitelikli öğreticilerin

seçimini, objektif, hakkaniyete uygun, adil ve eşitlikçi bir akademik

sınav, seçme ve

yükseltme sistemini zorunlu kılmaktadır.

Bu çerçevede nitelikli bilim insanı yetiştirilmesi, sadece bilim in-

sanlarının akademik olarak yükselmeleri, akademik unvanlar elde