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Hükmün Açıklanmasının Geri Bırakılmasına İlişkin Güncel Sorunların Yargıtay Kararları ...



The concept of stay of execution was adopted

in Turkey for the first time in respect to the children led to crime

through the 23rd article of the Child Protection Act N. 5395, entered

into force on 15/07/2005 and has been significantly established

in our legal system since then in line with the legal amendments

enacted and jurisdiction of High Court Of Appeals. However, it is

seen that a number of issues related to this institution are still in

question while certain issues originate from different practices of

the High Court of Appeals. The regulation in the 8th paragraph of

the Article 231 of the Procedural Penal Law must be interpreted

as that the prescription period ceases between the date of the

finalization of the decision of staying the judgment and the date

of the commissioning of the offence within the probation period

provided that the decision is finalized thereafter. According to the

11st paragraph of the Article 231 of the PPL, in the events that the

accused perpetrates an intentional offence or intentionally violates

the obligations relating to the probation measures, it is not possible

to make any amendment to the judgment to be declared. While the

jurisdiction of the High Court of Appeals Docket Nr. 2012/10-534. –

Decree Nr. 2013/15 which enables a more comprehensive review

in the case of an appeal of the stay of judgment entails negative

outcomes in respect to the procedural penal practice, it draws

attention as a positive development as it prevents an act to be

assessed within the scope of the stay of judgment as a result of an

incorrect legal qualification and enables the establishment the right

to trial in reasonable time. The legal regulation to be made in the

aim of subjecting the institution to the review of court of appeal will

ensure the resolution of the problems.


Stay of judgment, interruption of prescription, pro-

bation period, obligation, objection.


Hükmün açıklanmasının geri bırakılması, 15/07/2005 tarihin-

de yürürlüğe giren 5395 sayılı Çocuk Koruma Kanunu’nun 23’üncü

maddesi ile ilk olarak suça sürüklenen çocuklar bakımından hukuk

yaşamımıza girmiş, 19/12/2006 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren 5560 sa-

yılı Kanun’un 23’üncü maddesiyle 5271 sayılı Ceza Muhakemesi

Kanunu’nun 231. maddesinde yapılan değişiklik sonucu on sekiz ya-

şını doldurmuş olan kişiler hakkında da uygulanır hale gelmiştir. 5560

sayılı Kanun’un 40’ıncı maddesiyle ÇKK’nın 23’üncü maddesi değişti-

rilerek, hükmün açıklanmasının geri bırakılması bakımından, denetim

süresindeki farklılık dışında, suça sürüklenen çocuklar ile yaşı büyük

sanıklar arasında herhangi bir fark kalmamıştır.